Wednesday, April 25, 2007

And That's Why I Have to Kick Dogs and Kick Them Far

Am I a jerk? It's a question I wonder about sometimes. Especially if I have just returned from my weekly meeting of Dog Kickers and specifically when I won the award that week for furthest kicked dog. I mean, I joke a lot about being a jerk, but when I do stuff like that, I just think, maybe I am.

It's not that I wish ill any specific ill on anyone. General ill, yes, specific ill, no. And look at this blog. Half the time I'm getting angry at people and the other half is fantastical creatures. Which of course means that I am so angry that mere people are not enough to satisfy my rage, but then I also have to get angry at things that don't exist.

Maybe the problem isn't with me though. Sure, I have a lot of anger, but is it my fault that humanity can't step it up and be sufficient for my rage? Stupid world. Trying to make me look like a jerk. I'm not a jerk, I'm adorable. That's right, adorable. If you think anything else, you're just apart of the problem with this world. You're either for me or apart of the problem of the world.

Sure, there will be those logicnistas that will say that by me shifting the blame from me onto others and saying that others are the problem is really me being irresponsible and not owning up to my own shortcomings and mistakes. Hey, I'm the victim here, maybe you should lay off, but of course you won't because you're a world-hugger. You hate our freedom! You are trying to take away my inalienable right to be a guiltless victim! That's in the constitution. And some of you book-readers are going to tell me that it's not true. And you know why that is. Because they are apart of the problem and want to destroy everything good about the world. And you see that's why I have to kick dogs and kick them far, because this world is so messed up because of "them" that I clearly have no other choice but to do this. After all, I'm the victim. And if you disagree, then you're with the ones that are forcing me to kick dogs. You should be disgusted with yourself.

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