Monday, February 20, 2006

A Musical About Cats is Our Best Piece of Work That Shows Our Moral Integrity?

I'm tired of people always saying that North American culture is devoid of meaning and that the increase of sex and violence in our media is a good sign of the coming downfall of our society and soon a different society will be the powerhouse. Sure there's plenty of examples from the Greeks and the Romans and the English and the French and the Germans. And sure maybe there's plenty of completely unnecessary forms of entertainment that do nothing but feed into primal, carnal desires of debauchery and violence such as Bumfights and Jackass and most if not all kinds of gangsta rap and Survivor and professional wrestling and Doom (both the video game and a lesser extent the movie) and Dane Cook and monster truck rallies and Simple Life (all seasons and pretty much anything Paris Hilton condones) and phone sexlines and Bob Sagat. And sure there may be numerous attacks on the sense of moral responsibility and the over-glorification of freedom and political correctness which has helped led many of the inhabitants of Africa to be hungry and often to be under the threat of war. And sure we're involved with many self-destructive behaviours like the destroying the ozone layer and ever dwindling energy supply and numerous gun crimes and still much ingrained racism through out a lot of parts and the center of the pornography industry and growing anti-intellectualism prevalent in our society. But all these nay-sayers and cynical Sids have conveniently overlooked the fact that North American culture still has one piece of culture that holds up throughout the test of time that shows that we are still good-intentioned and have a continuing hope to be the beacon the others will follow and of course I'm referring to the beautifully inspired story of the Mario Brothers. The fact that these simple plumbers from New York would go forth and push themselves to jump numerous times their height, fighting off the turtle demons of the Koopa kingdom merely for the safe return of one woman. That's an example of honour and bravery and love that shall be passed - wait a second... Mario Brothers was made in Japan. Oh sweet bastard! What the hell do we have?... Cats... you mean the musical...Oh come on! A musical about cats is our best piece of work that shows our moral integrity? It's about nothing. Nothing. We're dust. Just give the crown to Japan already. They're the ones with Mario Brothers! I'm going to irrationally drop everything in life and move there right now! Who's with me!?

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