Friday, September 02, 2005

David Grohl Doesn't Appreciate Indoor Goblin Football

Now that I'm back in the city of Winnipeg, I apparently have to get a "job" otherwise I will not receive sufficient "funds" to supply "sustenance" for any appreciable time. I thought that I was a respectable person who had kind of earned the ability to get a job that I liked has somehow wound up with a job at a gas station. Like seriously. And it's not even the gas station right outside my apartment. Instead it's A TWO HOUR WALK from where I live. Now I have to buy a bus pass to go to a crappy job.

You may be asking how could I go from the classy Electronics Boutique to Stanky's Spleen Transplants and Gas Outlet (my new name for Domo)? The answer is simple. Because goblins have entered and taken over the place where the Three Fates work and have decided to have a kegger and play a version of "indoor football" but they use what they call a "scratch ball" which in reality is a small cat. Then some orange soda or possibly Mountain Dew was spilled all over my life string and because the Fates are blind, they didn't notice.

Now I'm not saying that goblins should not be allowed football. Perhaps even indoor football would be ok. In fact I've even taken in a couple of goblin indoor football games and they were quite good. It was either a goblin indoor football or some generic punk show.

Anyways, goblins should be taught when and where to play football. So I think what needs to happen is that we need to learn how to communicate with them and tell them that this indoor football is not ok, and perhaps we can also get them to agree to not mess up my room before people show up to my room.

So what I'm asking is for a midget or little person or whatever the term is now and then go learn their language and them one day when their standing around beside their goblin watercooler and after some conversation that the goblins have about how they like Foo Fighters, the little midget in disguise could casually drop in a line like: "Did you know that David Grohl doesn't appreciate indoor football."

It would cause a ruckus and probably shake their economy for a while but I think that they could adjust and then maybe they apologize and give my ancestor's reparations for what they've done. (I'm assuming it will take a few generations to do all this)

I suppose the other thing that made me lose prestige is that this other guy I used to work for stole for the company and now there is a shadow over my record with the company.

So either way, the goblin football incident or the idiot put me here. So I just have to remind myself of a quote that my high school consular always told me, "if you imagineer it, you can do anything...probably..."

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